J.R.Wood's Journal.

Apparently it's helpful when you're new to publishing your own literature to allow readers a more in depth look at the authors thoughts, views, and personality. It's suggested a blog is a great way to accomplish this on the authors website, so here is my version, a journal....

1st Journal entry.

          The Truth About Publishing Companies That Charge You.
Tips For a 1st Time Writer/Publisher and Different Kinds of Publishing.

Firstly, the absolute truth in regards to the publishing companiies that charge you for their services is these types of companies are much more of literature promotion companies than publishers. Their actual publishing services, and methods aren't much more than self publishing techniques and ebook release, followed up with marketing and promotion campaigns. There's a contract which there shouldn't be unless the publisher pays you, and beware of companies trying to aquire your books ISBN number, some try registering it in their name instead of theirs, and then they have control over your book. Aquire your books ISBN yourself, and if you feel confident in their plan enough use them for a promoter. I would do a ton of reasearch though, some compaies charge hundreds, others thousands. For first timers, and authors who don't have much of a reader base, it makes sense to pay for their services so when you begin submiting to traditional publishing agents you'll have a resume of sorts to show them.

It's almost useless for a 1st time writer/publisher to hold out for a traditional publishing company. Traditional companies are flooded with manuscripts from allover not to mention there is almost no sense in holding out sitting on your book and making no p
rogress in the process. The self publishing services are somewhat tricky enough to find if one is not careful. Companies are ripping off first time writers by listing anywhere from 10 to 20 tasks they claim are worth utilizing their services. So after a few pages of indoctrination, or basically a typed info-mercial script, you'll find their services are not modest in cost like they imply at all, but anywhere from 800$ - 7,000$! Not only that, but if you pay close attention to their list, what is required to carry out those tasks and compare it to how long it will take you vs how long it would take them. Yes they would seem to be be quicker, but, waiting for a traditional publisher can take, and almost always does take years for 1st time writers trying to get published if not some sort of recognized figure already, and many agent/writers who have been in the business for decades but more as agents, they have been trying to get published but most, never do, and not from lack of talent, but traditional publishers are busy. Busy publishing tens of thousands of already established writers work, sports figures, celebrities, activists, comedians, are all publishing books.So I can see why a traditional publishing company seems like the immediate path to sucess for any, especially a first time writer who does not know about the things i'm going to mention. I actually am myself a recently self published writer, but I have been looking into publishing poems from middle school, well since middle school so you could say i've pondered senarios and done some decent research on scams as oppsed to real self publishing resources. 

It is not traditional publishing houses ripping people off, it is not self publishing companies and self publishing resources ripping people off, it is vanity press companies that are, as well as companies that operate like them employing what they call publishing agents, self publishing agents, publishing development agents, but pay very very close attention to what these companies are actually offering for what they are asking you to pay.

The following is a list of tasks, services, and various things offered by scammer companies in dusguise preying on unsuspecting and undereducated first time writer/publishers looking to self publish and or publsih. After this list I will list links to free alternative serices and much more free services not mentioned by the con artist companies. I will also list which scammer companies to stay away from, and what they tried to do to me.

Offered by scammer companies!

After this list i'll list companies i've personally talked to and know to not deal with, the biggest reason why besides them overcharging for free services is they often have contracts that you MUST SIGN, and they obtain your books ISBN#, meaning they own it, not you. They advertise you own your work, but really, they do through a loophole.

They will claim to build authors who are looking to publish a book their very own custom website.

Not only is this as simple as creating a facebook now days but it is also not that simple just create a website to gain success for any business and hope it takes off with no extra effort. Not to mention it's not so simple writing a book and publishing it with the unrealistic hopes that it will sell thousands of copies on it's own. Both the book, or product, and websites need to be advertised and promoted continuously to begin to achieve enough recognition and attention that they will generate interest with the right people.Meaning not only do you need to publish, and promote getting word out to people about your book, or website or product, but you need to market whatever it is you are hoping to get attention for to the right audience, targeted ads is what they call it. Reaching the right audience is crucial in gaining sucess, and it takes success to make money. 

2. A Publication Coordinator who they say will work with you throughout the entire process. 

Really what this "Publication coodinator" does is return phone calls to the authors who were misled. Sometimes people who write a book are made to believe their work is better than it is, or told that the marketing campaigns are more effective than they really are. When authors start seeing time go by, they hear less and less from these people they just paid hundreds, or even thousands of dollars to and they begin to worry, after worry, they get irritated and eventually get down right angry. This is where the "Publication coodinator" comes into play by returning those worried, irritated and upset calls from authors who have been misled and ripped off by their company, bosses, and coworkers. So really, they are nothing more than a person put up to calming down scammed authors and put up to reassuring them the company is still hard at work. Like a crooked counselor, helping to aid in subduing authors negative reactions and emotions to seeing little to know results after paying for services that were available for free as well as diming the  faith in possible success in the literature community and business and serving to darken the passionate writers outlook on the dream they hope to achieve with their work. 

In other words, they end up crushing many peoples hopes, or wasting their time and money.

3. A copy-editor and a proofreader. 

Well now these two tasks are a pain in the butt and for many authors, especially a first timer who just finished and can't wait to get it published reading your own book seems like a waste or may not even be in your thoughts at all. Though it's important, believe me, I can't tell you how important it is and even come near to how bad a simple overlooked mistake can be. The big thing to remember is though, now that you know, make a list of things to do after you are done writing, and complete it then, paying someone else to is an option, freelancers. However it's not worth what the scam companies charge.

4. Typesetting, ebook conversion and custom front and back cover designs.

The following taken directly from page publishings website.

"We will format and transform your manuscript into a finished book, complete with page and cover design. Our artists will create  illustrations and give your entire work a professional layout. Once your printed book is complete, we will also convert the title into a digital publication, commonly referred to as an “eBook”.

                                                                                                                Ok well typsetting can be a pain but it's well worth doing on your own compared to paying scam artists I will list after i'm done listing their joke of services they charge for. As for cover design this is actually more easy to do on your own with little to no cost, and no experience needed if you can google for a couple things you'll need, 1 being a picture editor app or website, 2 being a website you can get free images available for use in a book for sale. All of these things I will be mentioning at the end by the way. 

I'll go as far as to list something these scam companies do not. A free serice to helping start the process to registering an image for copyrights to prevent from theft. 

Here is one of my favorite kickers, the ebook publishing, totally free. In fact aside from these tasks i'll give you the resources to find free, or very cheap, self publishing an ebook is one of the biggest parts after writing it. Promoting is also huge but we've covered that.

5. Promoting, marketing and publicity. 

This is actually one of the areas not just myself, but many self published especially 1st time writer/publishers could use help and or improve on. It's tricky, time consuming, does often cost, and is fulll of scams. For promoting your book it's diffferent for ebook as compared to hard copies and i'll admit, i'm actually in the middle of this process myself. Social media does help but is certainly not the one thing you'll need to get enough attention and traffic to your book or author website. I'll briefly explain a few things and different methods and list resources and tips at the end. Besides ebook since for me this seems to be easiest for me now, promoting the hard copy is different in that you can use the same social media resources to advertise and just mention where it's sold, or what book store carries it. Now finding a bookstore to carry it is something I have yet to actually try myself, so far i'm only a self published writer of an ebook. Thankfully for you I do have the tips you need. Submit a copy of your hard copy book to Barnes and Noble finished, no manuscripts.Include your marketing and promotion plans, giveaways, website and trade reviews. Also compare your book to others similar in genre, what makes yours stand out and how it will reach your audience on a deeper level.

6. Book printing and print on demand. 
For getting your finished book printed before distribution, especially if you wish to keep costs down you can use a print on demand service.create space
Create space is great, they have a ton of information and other tools to help aid in the success of your book. 

As for distribution this is another aspect I personally have zero experience actually doing myself but I do have the real way you'll want to do it so you don't waste time, money and gain trust issues and a bad experience dealing with companies like page, and authorhouse. For distribution use,ingram spark
Ingram sparks website is great, it's informative, easy to understand and has more resources available for you to utilize for your book. 

8. Obtaining an ISBN number, ebook and hardcopy. 
For your ebook companies like kindle direct publish, smash words, lu lu, create space, they all have options and ways to get an ISBN number for your book in ebook format or hardcopy, and each needs a different number. Now with one or more of the companies just listed you can get the ebook ISBN free, just search each companies website after you create accounts for them all, and it is best to use them all for self publishing to reach a bigger audience.

9. Social media, social network website ads.
Now it might seem silly to list this after all that great information and alternatives to the scammers way of doing business but using social media is free, and to run ads on them can be fairly cheap and if done correctly is quite effective driving targeted traffic to your website.


Free alternatives to do on your own.

Free website builder tips.   (For people without developer knowledge)

Tips. Decide if you want your own website domain or not. For first time self publishers I reccommend not, but for all I do suggest using a website builder capable of embedding code into to add custom features to make your website more desireable for your readers, website builder links list below...

Free website builders links list.

Note: Please remember to read these websites carefully, and it's reccommended for an authors promotional websites meant to list all your books to come, to register and buy a domain, then find a website host who's website builder you like the most. For first timers I reccommend using the free website builders, and buying a domain name later on but it's easier to make sure whatever website builder you decide on now is the one you want to use later.

Now while being my go to builder this builder is old, it's also slow if you add a lot of features but I use it because I like it compared to the newer ones that i'll list soon. This builder you can use free and put up with the website builders ads or pay for a premium subscription and remove them and even add your own ads to generate profit. own-free-website.com

2. For a newer website builder I have also used this one is actually great it's just i'm more used to the one listed above. I actually wish I would have started on this one i'm going to mention because it doesn't have ads, it does however have a very small web logo brand at the very bottom. 000webhost.com

3. Fairly easy and has great features easily integratable. Also has html embed option for more advanced users.www.angelfire.lycos.com/

Book editing resources.

List to hire freelancers for typesetting, proofreading, and ebook conversion. 

1.  www.upwork.com/R-Freelancers

2. www.fiverr.com/Above-All-Do/Top-Freelancers‎

3. Adwww.scribendi.com/Ebook/Editing‎

Free cover design apps and websites.

1. photogrid.topicshow.com/

2. pixlr.com/editor/

3. www.aviary.com/ios

Social media rules on copyright laws and pictures

Free online copyright protection for images.

Free book promo tools and tips.

 Sign up have a widget created.www.bookdaily.com/free

2.  Do a book signing by asking local bookstores.

3. Try getting into local newspaper.

4. Try getting on local radio by giving away a free signed copy of your book.

5. Embed a blog on your website. 

Create a reviews page on your website or blog.

7. start a vlog, video blog, or create youtube videos.

8. Promote in facebook groups for books.

9. Contribute on forums.

Print on demand cheap. 

Book distribution for 1st timers.

Free ISBN# for Ebook.

Scammers Websites and Companies!
The first is going to be Bruce Ditness who scams for Page Publishing, Very polite and full of personality during our first phone call. Explained their services in detail and said he was always honest with writers that they would not be getting rich and or famous, but they would get published. I listened to all of the things Bruce said page offered for a "Small fee". I even wrote down all of the things he mentioned they offered that I had already done, or was planning on doing. When he was finished I asked what else Page could do besides what he mentioned and he asked what I meant. I explained that I had already self ebook published and created a facebook page, a twitter account, and created a website, as well as designed my own cover. About the only thing left to offer from their services was a publishing coordinator who would be with me every step of the way, and a one of 3 marketing campains, one was a youtube video, another was a guest spot on a radio show and the other I believe was distributing of pamphlets advertiising my book, that or flyers, one other thing he mentioned was getting listed in Ingrams sales magazine so Barnes and Noble could buy my book. I said that with nook press I could do that and the marketing campaign was cool but was it worth the "Small fee"? I asked how much and I could hear his voice start cracking as he hesitated right before giving me two outrageous numbers ranging from about 700 $ and deep into the thousands. 

My honest opinion after the first call was he was very polite and informative but somewhat misleading about their services. I could do all of what they did and more short of getting on their radio show and save the money that I didn't even have. He said they had something that I didn't and that was experience, which was, and is true. Something in me couldn't call out all that I felt was wrong just yet, so I told him it sounded promising and if I could find steady work I would call him back.

I was called for a job interview I was pretty sure I was going to be getting so I decided to give Bruce a call and see if the services were the same, since he claimed he himself did not even like them aside from the radio show. After he pulled up my contact info he said he remembered me and asked how I was. I said I was great, just wondering about the services, and prices, this time I mentioned I was hoping there was more to their sales pitch because I had done almost all of iwhat their serices offered myself before our initial chat and that I didn't feel a radio show guest spot was worth 800 dollars, nor did I believe it would generate that much back in sales. He took a huge breathe and stopped me from speaking abruptly and said he had previously mentioned that's where their experience came in. To be honest after he had rudely interupted me for simply pointing out in the nicest way possible their belief that signing my book up for a few free services, creating a cover for my book and a website was worth 800 to around 7,000$, but yet he acted as if I was the rude one! I felt angry, also a little sad that i'm sure advancements in technology was a huge factor in their services of old becoming outdated so i'm guessing to stay afloat they sell signups to free services, a radio guest spot and basically a publishing counselor when the author wants encouragement i'm guessing, otherwise what exactly is the publishing coordinator doing, other than being a fancy title on the services menu to make people think this company was working for them all of a sudden. I wasn't sure if I should feel insulted, or pity, and that was the last time I spoke to Bruce Ditness from Page Publishing.

Needless to say, I will not be using their services.

Entry #2. 
I was recently asked to contribute something detailing what exactly inspired me to start writing. So here it is. Summer, 2001.

                                                             What inspired me to start writing.

My story, my inspiration as a writer. Well back in the year 2001, the summer to be exact. A high school neighbor who lived 3 doors down from my parents home had just graduated senior year and was staying with his mom and stepdad studying and training for a written and physical test to join the United States Navy. He didn't have interest for college and couldn't see himself working at Burger King as a career. So school had let out for the summer and the neighborhood kid's all congregated at the park like we all often did on weekends or summer breaks. Only For Lloyd, this was more than a simple break from academics, it was the beginning to prepare for his test to join the greatest armed forces on earth so he could then be trained, and tested endlessly all over in the name of American Nationalism. 
He had told all of us younger kids ranging from ages like me and I was about 10 just about to be turning 11 that September, to 14 and just about to beginning his freshman year of high school, like Martine. There was about 5 of us besides Lloyd, after he had told us all his plans, we played a couple hours of tackle football and as the sun went down, the game winded down as well. With just Lloyd, Martine, and myself left it was really just a game of catch discussing all of the "What ifs"  and goals that Lloyd had been setting for himself not just in getting into shape for basic training but his goals choosing the military as a career afterward. I remember being impressed, inspired even. 
Martine said his goodbyes for the night and walked home just across the street but as I turned towards my house and started to say goodbye, Lloyd said, "Hey where you going man"? "Home, it's almost dark why" I asked. He started laughing and reminded me that earlier in the day I agreed to be his wing man throughout his training to get into physical shape for the Navy. Little did I know what that actually involved, but it ended up being one of the greatest and most unforgettable summers of my childhood. I went home briefly to ask permission to go with him to the high school up the street and run laps on the open track course that surrounded Manteca Highs football field. When we got there he opened his training plan and handed me a stop watch and I began timing him on a mile run, and a 6 mile run if memory serves correctly. I think he even had me time him for the hundred yard dash just in case it was part of his basic training if he was accepted into the service. 
About 3 and a half hours later and many various stretches and workout exercises later we headed home, him mostly winded and I just happy I could help. As we approached my house he reminded me about the next morning, starting bright and early at 6 am for a four mile run around town and back to Lloyd's house to study and take a break for a couple hours playing basketball until evening, then it was back to the track at the high school to time his progress and stretch. Everyday throughout the week was just like that except for the leisure time playing basketball or catch which wasn't so leisurely to me, he was a natural at most sports and being so much younger I struggled to keep up. About a week into hanging out I brought over the guitar my parents had bought me that last Christmas so I didn't have to be bored while he shot hoops. Much to my surprise he was happier about me bringing my guitar than I was and he actually begged me to play it so I went home and got my amplifier and brought it back to his garage. He had his acoustic guitar, and a few tablature and chord progression handbooks. He tuned both guitars and started playing. 
Not long after he started playing he asked if I knew how to play but I didn't start learning yet. He taught me a few easy chords and when it was his turn to play a song by Papa Roach started playing on the radio and almost right away he tried playing along. Before it was half over he dropped down to drop D tuning and he learned the main chords and riffs just by ear it was really surprising especially to him because he had only practiced a little bit with his acoustic and had not learned any songs, taken any lessons or anything. That was really awesome to see, I had just witnessed someone discover the hidden talent of learning a song by ear which is considered a gist to many in the music industry. It's said that if you don't have the ear for it you'll only ever know half of what there is to playing an instrument, and if you're tone deaf, you're really in trouble. The weekend went slow as molasses to me, Lloyd went to his Mother's a few towns over and came back just in time for Monday, more training. 
For the next 7 weeks take or give, Lloyd and I repeated that same routine each day and after a couple days playing on my electric guitar he started his own song inspired by a country song from the radio, I can't remember what it was, in fact at that time neither of us could remember what song it was or what the lyrics were which is what sparked him trying to recreate it on guitar and I was trying to remember the lyrics. At the end of the 7 weeks he was in shape for basic training for the Navy and he had finished writing the entire song we started, well he pretty much ended up writing it all, I believe the only thing I contributed was the opening line which was "Every time I turn around". He grew a bond with that electric guitar it was evident every time he played it. He asked if he could buy it, I really didn't want to sell it, but I also knew learning would take me all year, especially with school and Lloyd not only already taught himself, he was going to serve our country and had written his first song with it, I let him buy it from me with my fathers permission. I did feel bad about selling my Christmas gift but my dad understood, honestly the only reason he even let Lloyd buy it was because my father was in the Army during Viet Nam but he was stationed in Korea luckily. 
Not too long after Lloyd bought my guitar he came over to tell my father and I he passed his qualifying exams to be accepted into basic training for the Navy. Him and my father chatted for about an hour about various aspects of military life, training, diet, life in a foreign country during such a tense time for our country and how when returning home from Korea my dad was actually spit on by hippie protesters instead of welcomed home and thanked for serving. I can actually remember my dad saying at least we weren't really in such tense of times as a country anymore so hopefully Lloyd wouldn't have to experience that. A few days later Lloyd came over and said goodbye and thanked me and my father for selling him the guitar. That was in August of 2001, school started immediately and about a month later September 11th 2001 the airplanes were high jacked by the terrorists and I woke for school to our nation in mourning of a tragedy, it was almost unbelievable at first. It wasn't until I had gotten to school and seen the news that I really understood what exactly happened, and what it meant not just for us as a country, but our men and women serving in the armed forces, especially Lloyd. 
Unfortunately his parents weren't really too friendly with me, I had broken a glass bottle in the street the year before and on my way home to get a broom Lloyd's dad ran over the glass shards with his motorcycle and it popped his tire. I tried to explain but him and my father shouted at each other over me about the rate of speed, and prices to fix it, not to mention Lloyd's step dad knew there was broken glass in the street, he just made the mistake of thinking it was cleaned up before I was able to get to it. Instead of starting in the street and working my way in, I started sweeping at the sidewalk and towards the street and that's when he pulled his bike right over it. So with bad blood over something stupid I hesitated, actually I coward down, I was afraid to go over there. At the time I thought of it as respecting his fathers wishes, I wasn't allowed over unless Lloyd asked, and Lloyd was gone. One day about a month after 9/11 I saw his mother and she let me know he was okay and that I could write to him. I sent a letter but never got one back. I saw her a few times after and waved, but she never waved back. I wasn't sure if maybe his step dad had got mad, or if maybe Lloyd was in the middle of a actual combat. I thought it best not to bother her, she didn't look happy at all. One day I saw moving trucks in front of their house and I never saw any of them again. 
That entire summer around someone older, passionate about his beliefs and life goals, and music as well. All of those things greatly impacted my writing poetry. I had a copy of the song Lloyd wrote the day after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 to read for the class. It was actually weird because everyone thought judging by the lyrics I had wrote it in his honor. The lyrics went something like this.
"Every time I turn around, I see a new face in town". 
"And it only reminds me of you".
That's all I can remember but just from that opening part alone it caught everyone's attention. That day I started writing songs as well, mine were not suitable to be read in front a elementary school class though. I remember being angry, angry our nation was attacked, and angry my friend might get hurt. That was the summer my spark for writing struck, the following summer I attended a music festival called Ozzfest of Heavy Metal music with my sister. I didn't buy a single thing there, I saved it and bought a guitar as soon as I got home, I started lessons and didn't put it down until I was 16. 
In loving memory of those who lost their lives 09/11/2001 R.I.P. - J.R. Wood.

Article link to literature publishing website blog.   www.penstra.com/john-wood/

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